DrPH Students: What’s Your Working Style?

March 1, 2017

Each month, a small group of DrPH students from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health gather at the Incubator to discuss common themes in public health, share their ongoing projects, and explore ideas for future engagements. On Monday, February 27, a playful exercise led to thoughtful discussion about personal work styles and preferences, imagining the future through ideas and issues that they are passionate about in the present. As one student called out questions, each person “took sides”—literally moving to different spots around the table—to identify their preferences. The exercise forced choices between seven dichotomies that are common to how public health experts work, and work together: specialist vs. generalist; implementer vs. policy maker; qualitative vs. quantitative; local vs. national/international; working on a start-up vs. working in an established organization; consultant vs. full-time staff; and individual work vs. teamwork. After each group-shift, the students explained their personal preference, remarked on areas where they differed, and took note of what they had in common. “It was super interesting,” said Vanessa Brizuela, a 2018 DrPH candidate in the maternal and child health concentration and one of the students who has helped to cofacilitate the group since it began last year.