Religious Nationalism in a Global Context


Monday, July 31, 2023 (All day) to Thursday, August 3, 2023 (All day)


Harvard University

Reigster for Religious Nationalism in a Global Context
The deadline to apply is March 31st.

Across the globe, the relationship between religion and nation-states is complex and dynamic. Religious nationalism, an often understudied aspect of this relationship, is key to understanding policies, personal and community impacts, and outcomes globally. Additionally, many narratives about nationalism encourage an overly simplistic view of both secularism and religion that hinders our ability to understand the complex ways in which religion is embedded in a variety of political contexts. In some countries, religious nationalism is an explicit guiding force behind governance; in others, it is a less visible or minority voice that nonetheless deserves attention. Its prevalence in the 21st century reveals the limits of conventional ideas about modernity and the future, and it invites us to investigate the reasons behind its continuing–and in some cases growing–influence.

Educators today must grapple with these issues as they teach their students to be global citizens. This year, the Global Studies Outreach (GSO) Workshop will provide teachers with a space to think, learn, and ask questions about religious nationalism in a variety of contexts. From India to Russia, Ethiopia to the United States, educators will learn about the ways religious nationalism manifests around the world and will explore, collectively, pedagogical responses to religious nationalism and how to teach about it in diverse classrooms.