Mapping Final Projects

May 16, 2023
Students at a GHELI workshop.

At the end of Faculty Director Sue J. Goldie’s General Education course, World Health: Challenges and Opportunities, students are charged with analyzing a societal health challenge they are passionate about and with creating a “real world” product to influence policy or motivate change. Ashton Body and Aimee Ramirez, undergraduates at Harvard College, collaborated closely with the Incubator’s Sr. Instructional Design Specialist Nina Bhattacharya to craft a homework assignment, a section guide, and workshops to spur early brainstorming on final projects. Each exercise supported current students in laying the creative and theoretical foundations for their call-to-action.

During the dynamic workshops, the student facilitators invited current GE1063 students to participate in group mind-mapping exercise to explore the creative project process. They walked through their own approaches to their final projects the year before to illuminate how projects evolve in organic and generative ways; in fact, both Body and Ramirez’s projects were featured in the Incubator’s 2022 gallery of exemplar student work. After mind-mapping, participants also workshopped their project ideas in small groups and visited a variety of audiovisual stations to experiment with drawing, audio, video, and storyboarding tools. 
Learn more about the Incubator’s studios, where staff and students collaborate on new multimodal instructional strategies.